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Gypsum effect application on soil fertility

Applying agricultural gypsum rules

Gypsum effect application on soil fertility

If confirmed by laboratory results, and despite entailed cost, gypsum application is necessary and must be priority among farming practices. Essentially, increased calcium concentration in soil solution in anyway, such as by gypsum application, can cause formation of insoluble compounds. containing phosphorus or micronutrients thus making them unavailable to plants. That is why it is necessary to consider the following points before applying gypsum.

_ Gypsum application rate must be decided based on laboratory results. If very high application rates are required, the recommended amount should be applied in 2-3 years to increase application efficiency. and reduce costs in addition to preventing severe reductions in soil fertility, especially soil phosphorus loss.

_ Foliar application of compounds containing phosphorus and micronutrients. in orchards after applying large amounts of gypsum can considerably reduce the risk of deficiency of these nutrients.

Gypsum as soil amendment

Considering the chemical properties of  many agricultural soils and irrigation water in agricultural fields. gypsum application can be one of the priorities among soil amendments. and yield increases resulting from its application may be significant. Of course, as mentioned above, gypsum application must be under the supervision of experienced specialists. and its application rate should be determined by considering laboratory results in order to achieve the best results.

Some gypsum benefits as a soil amendment include:

1. Improved soil structure. Gypsum can help to improve soil structure by reducing soil compaction. and improving water infiltration, which can enhance root growth and nutrient uptake by plants.

2. Reduced soil erosion. Gypsum can also help to reduce soil erosion by improving soil structure and water infiltration.

3. Increased nutrient availability. Gypsum contains calcium and sulfur, both of which are essential plant nutrients. As gypsum dissolves in the soil, it releases these nutrients, which can help to improve soil fertility and plant growth.

4. Reduced aluminum toxicity. In soils with high aluminum concentration, gypsum can help to reduce aluminum toxicity and promote root growth.


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