Most Asked Questions

Is adding too much gypsum harmful to the soil?

  • Yes. it causes insoluble compounds information in soil nutrients such phosphorus or other trace elements and removes them from the plant.


What are the advantages of Applying Gypsum in managing and Improving alkali soils (sodic soils)?

  • Gypsum is readily available.
  • Its price is reasonable compared to other soil amendments.
  • It has average solubility and hence does not cause soil salinity.
  • Its sulphate ions can be used by plants as a nutrient.
  • Presence of gypsum in soil and replacement of sodium by calcium on soil particles improve soil structure.


What is the Best Way to Provide Calcium Ions in Soil?

  • The best way to do this is to apply agricultural gypsum to soil. Moreover, the calcium obtained when gypsum dissolves in soil water binds to soil organic matter and prevents its rapid oxidation. Therefore, applying gypsum to soil provides the calcium needed in the soil solution. Also prevents rapid oxidation of soil organic matter thereby increasing its content in soil.


What is saline soil?

  • Saline soil is that which the ions concentration in the root zone is such it affects plant growth and yield.


Which soils are problematic?

  • Sodium soils, acid soils and clay soils.


What is the effect of using agricultural gypsum on increasing irrigation efficiency?

  • Consumption of agricultural gypsum increases irrigation water efficiency.


Is agricultural gypsum the same as agricultural sulfur?

  • It’s the same sulfur, but better.
    First: It contains 17% sulfur.
    Secondly, it contains 23% calcium.
    Third: It contains a neutral PH which is very important.
    Fourth: It is natural and not chemical.
    Fifth: Much economical.


How much do you put for each tree agricultural gypsum? ( application rate)

  • Regarding the amount of agricultural gypsum used for one tree, you can apply 2-3 kg.
    Rice 2000 kg/ha.
    Wheat 8000 kg/ha.
    Sugarcane 5000 kg/ha.
    Crops of potatoes and tubers 3000 kg / hectare.
    Maize and maize 6000 kg/ha.
    Soybean 170 kg/ha.
    Palm oil 2-5 kg ​​/ plant.
    Onion 45 kg/ha.
    Coconut 2-5 kg/plant.
    Tomatoes 6900 kg/ha.
    Leafy vegetables 100 [kg/ha.
    Legumes 1700 kg/ha.
    Citrus fruits 1200 kg/ha.
    Banana 2 kg / plant.
    Mango 5000 kg/ha.
    Pineapple 1500-3000 kg/ha.
    Berries 500-1000 kg/ha.
    Peanut 1000 kg / hectare.
    But If you have salinity soil story is different and It’s required soil test.


In what season can we use agricultural gypsum?

  • Agricultural gypsum is not like other fertilizer and you can use it in any season.


can we use agricultural gypsum along with other fertilizer and it can cause any problem?

  • Yes, You can use Agricultural gypsum (CalciSoil) with any other fertilizer and there wont be no problem at all.


How many times in a year we can use agricultural gypsum (calcisoil)?

  • It has recommended to use, apply two times in a year.
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