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Agricultural Gypsum Comparison with Other Fertilizers

Comparison of Agricultural Gypsum with Other Fertilizers

Comparison of Agricultural Gypsum with Other Fertilizers with Respect to Time and Method of Application

We know that soils require amendments with the passage of time. so that their quality and hence that of the crops grown in them improve. Agricultural gypsum can be considered a material for amending soil structure and reducing its salinity. Of course, its application has many other advantages such as helping to correct deficiencies of the micronutrients sulfur and calcium. Here, we intend to briefly compare the differences between agricultural gypsum and other natural and chemical fertilizers. In time and method of application.

Fertilizer application time

The best time of application for a fertilizer greatly influences crop yield. because it increases it’s efficiency, reduces nutrient loss, enhances nutrient use efficiency, and prevents damage to the environment. Untimely application of chemical fertilizers may lead to fertilizer losses and even damage the crop. Research has shown that 50-60% of the fertilizers are lost if they are not applied at the correct time.

For example, if the nitrogen fertilizers are applied too early (that is, when the plants do not really need these fertilizers), a considerable part of the applied ones may be lost before the crop is harvested. Unlike the many other kind of fertilizers, there is no time restrictions for the applying agricultural gypsum: it can be used all year round.

Method of fertilizer application

 In broadcasting, the conventional method for application of fertilizers, they are uniformly spread all over the field by hand or fertilizer application machinery before planting the crop. This is a suitable method for using large amounts of nutrients that can not be applied easily when the crop is planted. It must be mentioned that broadcasting does not have economic justification.

Fertigation is another method of applying chemical fertilizers in which the nutrients are applied together with irrigation water. Since all the essential plant nutrients must be dissolved in water and then be absorbed by plants, this method is of special importance in fertilizer application and plant nutrition. Finally, it is noteworthy that there are no limitations in applying agricultural fertilizer: it can be applied using various methods based on the crop or the condition of agricultural soils.


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