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Adding agricultural gypsum rules to almond orchards

When and how to add agricultural gypsum to almond orchards

Using agricultural gypsum in almond orchards

Using gypsum in almond orchards and the addition of agricultural gypsum to its soil, like other modification operations, should occur during the dormant period of trees in autumn and winter. However, gypsum can be added to the orchard soil in any season of year if the required conditions are met and there is sufficient water. Gypsum is a substance with moderate solubility and a relatively low salt ratio; therefore, it will not cause toxicity if added to the soil during the growing period of trees. We can determine the amount of agricultural gypsum required in orchards through consultation with experts.

How to use agricultural gypsum in almond orchards

Gypsum in unground piles should be applied on the surface in the form of a strip on both sides of the tree rows, each side at least 1.5 meters, followed by heavy irrigation. The main purpose of applying gypsum in orchards is to improve the soil; therefore, it is useless to mix it with a fertilizer and it needs to be possibly applied evenly on the soil surface.

Gypsum powder can be easily dissolved in the irrigation water at the pool or the terrace entrance so that the water containing the dissolved gypsum can flow onto the agricultural lands and orchards evenly along with water. It should be noted that agricultural gypsum, no matter how it is used, must be followed by heavy irrigation so that the washed gypsum may not accumulate in the upper layers of the soil.

To prevent the accumulation of gypsum on the soil surface, it is recommended to apply gypsum before a heavy rain event or to irrigate the soil heavily after application. This will help to ensure that the gypsum is thoroughly washed into the soil, where it can be utilized by plants. It is also important to note that the amount of irrigation needed will depend on a variety of factors, such as soil type, rainfall patterns, and the specific gypsum product being used. Following the manufacturer’s recommendations for application rates and irrigation practices can help to ensure the best results.


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