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Agricultural Gypsum Effects on Soil Moisture

Effects of Agricultural Gypsum on Soil Moisture and Its use as an Agricultural Fertilizer

Effects of agricultural gypsum on soil moisture and Its use as an Agricultural Fertilizer Gypsum application shortens the time that must pass after irrigation before plowing the land. Lands to which gypsum has been added can be plowed at a higher percent soil moisture content without compacting the soil or degrading its structure. In other […]

Gypsum effects on saline and sodic soils

Effects of gypsum on saline and sodic soils

Gypsum effects on saline and sodic soils Soils become saline in many ways. Weathering of parent rock and lack of salt transfer due to low precipitation are the main reasons for primary soil salinity in arid and semi-arid regions. Salt accumulation caused by poor irrigation management and or use of low-quality water are among the […]

Adding agricultural gypsum rules to almond orchards

When and how to add agricultural gypsum to almond orchards

Using agricultural gypsum in almond orchards Using gypsum in almond orchards and the addition of agricultural gypsum to its soil, like other modification operations, should occur during the dormant period of trees in autumn and winter. However, gypsum can be added to the orchard soil in any season of year if the required conditions are […]

9 Things to Remember When Buying Gypsum

Nine Things to Remember When Buying Gypsum

Important Buying Gypsum Tips    For buying gypsum pay attention to these items: 1_ The  higher the percentage of sand in gypsum is the lower its quality will be and vice versa. 2_ The lower the pH value of gypsum is the higher its quality will be. 3_ Salinity (expressed as EC) is the most […]

Agricultural gypsum effect on irrigation efficiency

using agricultural gypsum effect on increasing irrigation efficiency

Using agricultural gypsum effect on increasing irrigation efficiency Applying and adding agricultural gypsum to the soil, especially in arid regions, increases irrigation water efficiency. this is done by increasing water absorption coefficient, increasing soil hydraulic conduction, increasing soil moisture storage. and also root growth to lower soil depths. Gypsum-treated soils store between 25 and 70% […]

Agricultural gypsum effect on plants

Agricultural gypsum effect on the quality of fruits and plants

Agricultural gypsum affects plants (Agricultural gypsum effect on the quality of fruits and plants) The application of plaster increases the quality of fruits and prevents some of the plant diseases. We see lack of Calcium in most of the growing fruits. For harvesting fruits with appropriate quality, enough Calcium is necessary. Therefore, enough Calcium must […]

Gypsum Effects as a Soil Conditioner

Effects of Gypsum as a Soil Conditioner on Physical Properties of the Soil

Effects of Gypsum as a Soil Conditioner on Physical Properties of the Soil _ Improved surface crusting and prevention of the pore clogging by clay. _ Increased seed germination rates due to the improved soil structure. _ Enhanced rooting caused by the improved soil structure. _ Reduced erosion and runoff because of the greater water […]

Gypsum Effect in Reducing Aluminum Toxicity

Effect of Gypsum in Reducing Aluminum Toxicity

Effect of Gypsum in Reducing Aluminum Toxicity Almost 50% of the potentially arable lands in the world are faced with the acidification problem. Use of the agricultural gypsum in the soils with the high aluminum concentration, such as the soils in lands under the tea cultivation and those near dried up swamps used in the […]

Saline and alkaline soils and their grading

Saline and alkaline soils and their grading

Amending saline and alkaline soils procedure The main problem in amending alkaline soils is their degraded structure and toxicity resulting from the sodium presence. First step in amending such soils is to apply large amounts of calcium in form of small calcium sulfate particles. (several tons per hectare) to displace  sodium by calcium. The smaller […]

Agricultural gypsum benefits

Agricultural gypsum benefits and importance of its application

Gypsum benefits And importance of its application Gypsum is one of the first fertilizers used by the farmers throughout the world. In the some places it has been used as a fertilizer for about 250 years. Gypsum has moderate solubility in water (2.5-2.6 g/L). Its solubility is much greater compared to compounds. such as lime […]

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