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Boost your plant growth with Perlite

Boost your plant growth with Perlite

Using Perlite benefits in horticulture Perlite is a naturally occurring volcanic glass that is mined all over the world and has relatively high water content.

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Gypsum vs. agricultural sulfur

Gypsum vs. agricultural sulfur

Agricultural sulfur is an essential nutrient for plant growth and development. It is one of the 17 essential plant nutrients and is required by all

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Agricultural Lime vs. Gypsum

Agricultural Lime vs. Gypsum

Liming importance in agriculture In agriculture, liming refers to the application of calcium- and magnesium-rich materials. such as limestone, chalk, or hydrated lime, to soil.

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Horticultural perlite benefits

Horticultural perlite benefits

Horticultural perlite benefits When it comes to creating a soil mix for plants, there are several factors to consider. Such as the type of plant,

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