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The amazing gypsum effects on soil physical properties

The amazing effects of gypsum on soil physical properties

The amazing effects of gypsum on soil physical properties

Suitable soil physical properties are one of the most important factors in obtaining maximum yield. If the soil lacks the proper physical properties for crop growth, application of fertilizers and foliar nutrient sprays will have very little effect on crop yield. Unfortunately, farmers in many cases ignore this and try to increase yield just by applying fertilizers and chemical solutions to soil whereas making small changes in its physical properties will increase efficiency of chemical fertilizers. Agricultural gypsum is one of the important soil amendments that substantially increases yield by improving soil physical properties.

How does agricultural gypsum amend lime-rich soils?

The first thing to do in applying agricultural gypsum is to take everything into account and carefully determine the required amount to be applied so as to achieve the desired result for various agronomic and horticultural crops. Many studies have reported that the lime content of soil raises its pH value to about 8 and makes it difficult for plants to absorb many nutrients including phosphorus, calcium and micronutrients.

In addition, lime can be present in the form of hard layers in the soil and prevent roots from infiltrating deep into it. Application of gypsum to such soils reduces their pH to the neural level, which is suitable for the growth and development of most agronomic and horticultural crops (When gypsum is applied to alkaline soils, it reacts with the lime present in the soil to form calcium carbonate and sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid helps to lower the pH level of the soil to a more neutral level, which is more suitable for plant growth).

In conclusion, one of the most important ways of the lowering the pH of the soil values in the alkaline soils is to apply the agricultural gypsum fertilizer to the soil. That is because it will make some essential elements that are needed by the plants available to them in addition to amending such soils and reducing their pH values.



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