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Best Organic Fertilizer

Best Organic Fertilizer

Best Organic Fertilizer

Everything You Need to Know Before Applying It

Organic fertilizers consist of a vast amount of the derivatives that are obtained fresh or dried plants’ material. animal manures and also by-products of the agricultural waste. This may vary in the nutrient content as organic fertilizer for the agricultural soil is extracted from the different sources. Being biodegradable materials, the best organic fertilizer makes ideal nutrient sources to plants.

People often talk about organic gardening as they are aware that it emphasizes cultivating gardens. so that it withstands enriching soil, beneficial insects and plants. This can easily be achieved by preventing the use of chemical-based synthetic and harmful pesticides. and fertilizer and using such agricultural-grade fertilizer that nurtures soils without having adverse effects on it. Plants need sufficient amounts of primary and secondary nutrients to grow and flourish especially calcium and sulfur.

Creating Healthy Soil with High Quality Organic Fertilizer

Adding agricultural-grade Gypsum as organic fertilizer to soil not only improves crop yield but also benefits plan in many ways. Being a soil additive, it helps to loosen compacted soil. and also promotes the growth of roots by supplying sufficient calcium & sulfur. Besides, it also increases soil texture and structure. CalciSoil, organic natural agricultural gypsum is an excellent soil conditioner that improves crop yield.

Gypsum as one of the Best Organic Fertilizer Supplies micronutrients for Plants

The use of Gypsum as the organic fertilizer isn’t new and people have been using it for the many decades. However, due to ongoing research and many undesired effects of the chemical fertilizer on plants has made it preferred choice. Check out some of the useful benefits of Gypsum fertilizer for soil that is listed below.

1. Improves Soil Structure

Gypsum supplies sufficient calcium to the soil that flocculates clay in alkaline and acidic soil. thereby enhancing proper root growth and water & air movement.

2. Prevents Soil Crusting and Helps in Seed Germination

High-quality CalciSoil Gypsum decreases and eliminates the formation of crust on the surface of soil. that results due to sprinkler irrigation or raindrops on unstable soil.

3. Decreases Water Runoff and Soil Erosion

By improving the water infiltration rate into agricultural soil, gypsum offers protection against excessive water runoff. that is accompanied by soil erosion during erosion.

4. Acts as an Excellent Source of Sulfur

Use of chemical fertilizers contributes to soils deficient in sulfur. CalciSoil can compensate for sulfur deficiency as it contains 18% sulfur.

5. Helps to Reclaim Sodic Soil

Gypsum reclaims saline soils where ESP is high limiting the plant growth substantially. By proper application of gypsum, sodium on clay-binding sires can be removed. which is then leached from the soil to a safer place. Therefore, it’s important to keep in mind applying organic fertilizer won’t provide quick fixing solution to soil like synthetic fertilizer. that destroys soil texture in the short interval of its application. However, applying the organic CalciSoil Gypsum supplies long-term nutrients to plants that need less effort. This results in higher yield.


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